
Recente blog’s

    • Rest, Hygiene and Keto: A triptych for the good life – PART 2
    • Vitamin C: A tale of scientific perseverance
    • Vitamin D: Emergent insights
    • What form of carnitine is right for you?
    • What you need to know about collagen
    • How supplements work: Every person is unique
    • Autumn blues
    • Black Seed Oil: The Next Turmeric
    • Bye, bye Blue Monday
    • Can The Atmospheric Pressure Affect Our Health?
  • Balanced nutrition, rest and exercise: it sounds so simple. At the same time it requires a way of life that is very difficult to consistently achieve and maintain in our hectic society. Keeping these factors in check is extremely valuable to stay as healthy as possible the natural way. In which forms of therapy does this advice form the basis? What are simple tips to get as close as possible to the ideal routine? Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Today, our nutritional need for vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is well known and understood by almost everyone. In turbulent times as we experience at the moment a new appreciation for and reliance on this vitamin is seen worldwide. As a dietary supplement vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is probably the vitamin with the largest commercial production volumes worldwide. It can be found as an additive in many products and it even has an E-number: E300. It is also well known that Professor Albert Szent-Györgyi received the Nobel Price for the discovery of vitamin C in 1937. The isolation and identification of ascorbic acid as vitamin C was one of the most important advances in the twentieth century to improve human nutrition. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Vitamin D: it is one of the most supplemented vitamins. A great deal has already been written and researched about the effect of different dosages and the importance of the different forms of vitamin D. Many research areas are still open-ended, resulting in new knowledge and applications. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • In our cells various mechanisms exist that provide energy. Insights of the last years reveal that the influence of one particular energy production mechanism has an effect on the functioning of the entire cell. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Although our ancestors and more recently our grandparents intuitively knew that consuming animal bones, tendons, cartilage, hides and connective tissues was healthy – just thinking about that delicious, hours-long simmering, fresh bone broth grandma used to make seems to do us good – this traditional knowledge has slipped somewhat in recent decades. Partly due to the arrival of supermarkets full [...]

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Why don't supplements always work as expected? This is a good question, asked not only by experts: you have probably also wondered about it. How is it possible that the use of a nutritional supplement has a clearly positive influence for one person, while another does not notice any difference? The short answer: many factors are involved, not in the least human biochemical individuality. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements & General Articles, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Autumn has now begun. It is actually the only one of the four seasons that polarizes. Many people enjoy autumn while collecting chestnuts, drying leaves and long walks through the rustling leaves. However, there are also people who do not like the transition to winter at all. They feel the nasty, cold, damp darkness practically in every cell. Many people experience the so-called autumn blues. Sunlight, or rather the shortage of it forms the basis of this malaise. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Herbs and oil extracts, such as aloe vera, turmeric (curcuma Longa) or apple cider vinegar, have been used for many centuries, sometimes millennia, as alternative treatments. Although some are forgotten, their fascinating health properties have not been altered. One of these natural remedies is black seed oil. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • The new year has just started and the first ailments have already begun. In addition, all your good intentions do not seem to end up in a productive way. In short: Blue Monday. Of course you can not influence all factors of life, but you can choose consciously for good supplementation. Probably it eases 'the pain' a bit. We lend you a hand! Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • The short answer: yes, it can. Our body is made up of fluids and gases. As the pressure in the atmosphere rises and falls, the pressure exerted against your body does as well. Low atmospheric pressure causes a pressure difference between the atmosphere around us and the air within our body. This can lead to headaches, joint pains, sleep disturbance, and other biochemical changes. Atmospheric pressure can indeed affect your health, physiology and behaviour. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024