
Recente blog’s

    • Quinces: The forgotten fruit!
    • Shilajit, collagen and elastin: Nutricosmetics optima forma
    • Sunlight exposure: A Friend Or A Foe?
    • The miracle of human fatherhood – Ode to the devoted father
    • The Mores of More Meat – A closer look at the carnivore diet
    • Why do yogis eat mountain tar?
    • Why wash your hands? Is it savoir vivre or our first line of defense against diseases?
    • Activate and optimize your endogenous cannabis system
    • Black noodles, or naked and fertile: It’s Valentine’s Day!
    • Breastmilk sugars for your intestinal flora
  • Do you know quinces? No? It's time to change that! The yellow fruits are both culinary and healthy. Quinces have been forgotten for years. Our great-grandmothers still regularly made quince jam, and appreciated the special fruit. Today, the quince is rather unknown. But now slowly comes back in everyone's mouth. Even in ancient times, quince were known for their health effects and were used as a remedy for indigestion, colds and dermatitis. We will show you what's in the quince and why you should pay more attention to it.  Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Nutricosmetics encompass a category of supplements specifically aimed at skin care from within. It usually concerns products used for the skin, hair and nails, products that, of course, can be used in tandem with external care products such as creams and shampoos. Nutricosmetics include various forms of natural supplements taken orally, including collagen and elastin. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Summer is here, temperatures are running high and so is the UV exposure. As every year, the unchanged question returns: “Should I spend some time in the sun or not?”. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Of our biological kin, only humans have engaged and empathetic fathers. What might be the evolutionary reason for this? How is it that we are unique among all great apes for males to have developed into devoted fathers? Who is that puzzling figure of the human father and what is his role within the family and within society? Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • More and more people worldwide live according to a vegetarian diet and a growing number of people adhere to the vegan philosophy, meaning they ban all animal products from their dietary habits and lifestyle. For most plant lovers, the main reason for keeping meat out is the impact our food has on the climate. The regular production of meat and dairy products is often labeled as inhuman, resource-draining and polluting. Besides the impact on the climate, plant-based foods would be a lot healthier and eating too much meat may even carry significant health risks, according to scientific studies and trusted nutritionists. For example, a lot of red and processed meat could cause strokes, type 2 diabetes and cancer. But is glorifying plants really the royal way to good health and a sustainable world? Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Shilajit is a natural and nutrient-rich biomass obtained as a thick black tar-like substance from the rocks in the Himalayas. Shilajit contains a wide range of -over 6,500 different species of ancient plants- unique and bioactive components that support numerous body functions. Read on and discover the mystery of the 'black tar' from the Himalayas. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • This year, fear travels in Asia. There is growing concern in the country about further spreading of the new Corona Virus. According to the authorities, more than 4000 people have been infected and 106 people have died. Sick people have also been reported in several other countries, such as the United States. The World Health Organization has convened a crisis meeting to discuss how to proceed. But what does a virus in Asia have to do with washing your hands?  Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • At Ergomax we love optimizing body and mind. There are differing points of view, methods, supplements and combinations that may have something to contribute. Because the body functions as a system of systems, thinking in terms of systems makes for a smart paradigm. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • That it's almost Valentine's Day will have escaped few. A familiar complaint today is that the tradition lacks character for having become far too commercialized. Nevertheless, for many people it remains the perfect day to treat your loved one(s), including yourself, with something special. Over the centuries, the festival has received many different faces and various myths have sprung up around this special 'Day of Love'. But what do black noodles have to do with Valentine's Day? Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • We all know that breastmilk is healthy for babies. It is the best basis you can give them. As nature intends: in terms of nutrients, immune system and intestinal flora. I had no idea, however, that specific breastmilk sugars can benefit my adult intestinal flora as well. I was therefore a bit skeptical when Ergomax asked me whether I wanted to test their latest product; 2'-Fucosyllactose . My first reaction: "Fuco-what??". I had no idea what it was. So I decided to dive in and test it myself. My conclusion? It really works, and it can be really worth taking it! Why? I'll explain below. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements & lifestyle, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024