
Recente blog’s

    • More, not less, salt!
    • Optimizing your brain: 3 brain hacks
    • Plankton oil: wax esters, durable and no poison accumulation!
    • Rate your stool: 3 methods
    • Reasons to eat more protein
    • Vital, healthy and sexually active into the senior years: Learn from these Italian elderly
    • Why we are MegaFood fans and why whole-food nutritional complexes are essential
    • Why we can’t put sunlight in a capsule
    • World Sleep Day: Healthy sleep, Healthy aging
    • 8 tips to improve your brain function!
  • The Dutch are generally cited as eating too much salt. Together with Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, the Dutch Kidney Foundation organized the kick-off of the Eat Salt-Consciously Week on 10 January at the Dutch Horecava trade fair. Attendees could sample how tasty food with less salt is. The governing message this week, which received a lot of media attention, is that you can enjoy food with less salt—even in the hospitality industry. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Get hungry for a better functioning brain Fasting for better functioning brains? If you have ever fasted you may have noticed that you are mentally sharper. An appetite stimulating hormone produced in the stomach seems to stimulate the growth of new brain cells while also protecting the brain from aging. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Plankton oil or Calanus oil consists of a natural extract of the Calanus finmarchicus. This is a small (3-5 mm) lobster species from the Calanidae family. These animals are part of the zooplankton sitting at the beginning of the food chain and are found in large quantities in the Arctic Ocean. Calanus finmarchicus contains valuable and unique omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, there is no accumulation of toxins and the process of harvesting is very energy-efficient. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Should one regularly check one’s stools? The answer is "yes" because it is a simple and effective way for checking one’s health. The physical appearance of your stool can tell you a lot. That's not surprising since the digestive system is integral to the proper functioning of your body. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General ArticlesPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Proteins are so important for the body, your brain has developed special mechanisms that increase the desire for them. If you need more, the body is encouraged to eat more protein; if you've ingested enough the effect stops. These messages are so strong and persistent that they are difficult to control by willpower. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements & lifestyle, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • In the areas surrounding Acciaroli, Italy, the local population on average reaches an extremely advanced age. This geographic spot, just below Naples, belongs to the so-called blue zones: areas where people on average live longer, healthier and happier lives than in other parts of the world. Japan’s Okinawa and Italy’s Sardinia, for example, are among these marked areas. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Why we are MegaFood fans and why whole-food nutritional complexes are essentia MegaFood home-produces vitamins and supplement ingredients from genuine food sources. Over 226,796 kilos of fresh fruit and vegetables are processed annually. However, the process is not as simple as grinding, drying and processing tablets. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Since 2007, vitamin D has been one of the fastest growing supplements and this rise in popularity seems to be continuing for the time being. Vitamin D3 supplements are widely recommended by doctors, health enthusiasts and orthomolecular therapists. But is D3 use always the wise option? This is a question many people ask themselves and one that everyone, indeed, should be asking. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • World Sleep Day, or 'Day of Sleep', this year is Friday, March 15. World Sleep Day is held every year on Friday before the week of Spring (or Vernal) Equinox: day and night are the same all over the world. World Sleep Day is intended as a celebration of sleep and a call to action for important issues related to sleep, including medicine use, education, social aspects and car driving. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • It is fascinating to see that the central nervous system is malleable, or “plastic”. In fact, simple changes in your daily life can have a major impact on your gray, or white, matter, and therefore, your quality of life. Below we list 8 interesting brain facts and tips for immediate use. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024