
Recente blog’s

    • Optimal health: Diet is only one form of input
    • Organic changes: Introducing the new Ergomax logo
    • Relaunch palmitoylethanolamide – OptiPEA®
    • The brain, a garden
    • The immune system: Moderator of your social life
    • The intestinal flora: More important than previously thought
    • The supercomputer in your head
    • Upgrade your brain with these 7 BDNF tweaks
    • Vitamin B12, the energy vitamin
    • What cannabis oil does to your body
  • Eating natural, unprocessed products and taking supplements are good first steps on the road to optimum health. But sometimes supplementation is not enough to bring about substantive or permanent changes. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Ergomax is evolving; not only in size but also in what we stand for and what we believe in. Our former logo and slogan no longer reflected the latter. After much thought, sketching and working with designers we came up with a new draft late last year. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General ArticlesPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Finally available: a proper alternative to Normast. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • The brain is like a garden The familiar term intestinal flora would suggest there is merit in extending it in comparing the brain with a garden. In this "garden" you have growing not plants but synaptic connections between neurons. These are the highways used by neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General ArticlesPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Spending time with friends and family is experienced as enjoyable by most people. It is not only enjoyable: social connectedness plays an important role in overall health and wellbeing. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • The intestinal flora is a control center for various interlocking biological systems including the immune system, metabolism and neurobiology. This ecosystem’s health is integral to the healthy functioning of the host. Ecologically, in other words, we are part human part microbial soup. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General ArticlesPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Recently scientists discovered that the capacity (computing power) of our brain is many times greater than previously thought. This may seem just a fun fact, but neuroscientists were really taking notes. The discovery gave an immediate answer to the question: how can our brain be as energy-efficient as we know it is? Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General ArticlesPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • We previously discussed the very plausible idea that our brain functions like a quantum computer. Supporters of this hypothesis have been around for decades; some even say that the human brain is more complex than the galaxy! Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Everything in the body revolves around energy. The production of energy is so critical to life that it relies on various mechanisms. While a host of substances and supplements are able to support energy production, vitamin B12 is the "energy vitamin" par excellence. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Cannabis oil raises questions for many consumers. What is it used for? What does it do? What is the ideal dosage? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to these questions. Everybody reacts differently to the "cannabinoids" that are the oil’s active substances. Fact is that these substances have an influence on all of our body functions. To explain their precise modes of operation, we need to briefly look at the physiology of the body. Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN BlogPublished On: September 9, 2024