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    • Vital, healthy and sexually active into the senior years: Learn from these Italian elderly
    • An instant relaxation method you may have never heard of!
    • The immune system: Moderator of your social life
    • Your intestinal flora: As unique as a fingerprint
    • Paleo diet for primal strength
    • Why should I take supplements?
  • In the areas surrounding Acciaroli, Italy, the local population on average reaches an extremely advanced age. This geographic spot, just below Naples, belongs to the so-called blue zones: areas where people on average live longer, healthier and happier lives than in other parts of the world. Japan’s Okinawa and Italy’s Sardinia, for example, are among these marked areas. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • There are many ways to relax. They include certain types of breathing, meditation or taking supplements. Stimulating the nerve endings of the carotid sinus, a spot in the region of the carotid artery, however, will not be readily familiar to most people as a way to get instant relaxation. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Spending time with friends and family is experienced as enjoyable by most people. It is not only enjoyable: social connectedness plays an important role in overall health and wellbeing. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • We consist of bacteria—for 90% We have many different types of micro-organisms in our intestines. Some stay permanently while others are just passing through. Diet, but also the complex interplay between genes, biological, physical, psychological, social and environmental factors, determine the composition of the intestinal flora. The latter is therefore continuously changing although at any one time, the composition of the intestinal flora is as personal as a fingerprint! Continue reading →

    Categories: dietary supplements, EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • By: Toine Wilke, Dutch nutritionist, biochemist and seaweed expert. What began as an esoteric trend in the world of food has over the years begun to be deeply rooted in nutritional thought. Unlike most diets the paleo diet is less a trend than a permanent way of eating that is, in fact, eons-old. But what is this paleo diet exactly? And what can you do with it? Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Today many people take supplements. One chooses vitamin D3, another craves krill oil capsules, and yet another multivitamins. But why? And do they work? Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, General Articles & lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024