
Recente blog’s

    • Activate and optimize your endogenous cannabis system
    • Does your libido leave anything to be desired?
    • World Sleep Day: Healthy sleep, Healthy aging
    • More, not less, salt!
    • Optimizing your brain: 3 brain hacks
    • Upgrade your brain with these 7 BDNF tweaks
    • Why you should be eating oysters!
    • 8 tips to improve your brain function!
    • Improve your sleep: 4 tricks
    • How the mother-child bond develops
  • At Ergomax we love optimizing body and mind. There are differing points of view, methods, supplements and combinations that may have something to contribute. Because the body functions as a system of systems, thinking in terms of systems makes for a smart paradigm. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Does your libido need a boost? Italians propose a simple life-hack: bright light. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • World Sleep Day, or 'Day of Sleep', this year is Friday, March 15. World Sleep Day is held every year on Friday before the week of Spring (or Vernal) Equinox: day and night are the same all over the world. World Sleep Day is intended as a celebration of sleep and a call to action for important issues related to sleep, including medicine use, education, social aspects and car driving. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • The Dutch are generally cited as eating too much salt. Together with Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, the Dutch Kidney Foundation organized the kick-off of the Eat Salt-Consciously Week on 10 January at the Dutch Horecava trade fair. Attendees could sample how tasty food with less salt is. The governing message this week, which received a lot of media attention, is that you can enjoy food with less salt—even in the hospitality industry. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Get hungry for a better functioning brain Fasting for better functioning brains? If you have ever fasted you may have noticed that you are mentally sharper. An appetite stimulating hormone produced in the stomach seems to stimulate the growth of new brain cells while also protecting the brain from aging. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • We previously discussed the very plausible idea that our brain functions like a quantum computer. Supporters of this hypothesis have been around for decades; some even say that the human brain is more complex than the galaxy! Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Complex creatures Oysters look like very simple things: two shells with gray meat in-between. But do not be fooled: oysters have extraordinary nutritional value and characteristics. Oysters are among the most nutritious foods in the world. Including 59 trace elements, 12 vitamins, 19 amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, each oyster offers an incredible range of nutrients. Oysters contain zinc in especially large quantities. Oysters are a real brain food; they have, according to some experts, played a leading role in the evolution of our brains. Everyone should be eating oysters on a daily basis-- or taught to eat them. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • It is fascinating to see that the central nervous system is malleable, or “plastic”. In fact, simple changes in your daily life can have a major impact on your gray, or white, matter, and therefore, your quality of life. Below we list 8 interesting brain facts and tips for immediate use. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Dark therapy is free and suitable for everyone Nowadays there are treatments for just about everything. What has happened with us human beings? Well, indeed just about everything. This is why we have sandpit therapy for people who cannot communicate, re-birthing therapy to process trauma, and snake massage therapy for relaxation and pain relief. Many of these treatments sit on the "alternative" shelf, even if they sometimes have a proven effectiveness. Scototherapie, or Dark Therapy, for instance, is not a strange form of therapy but actually a quite logical and proven system of sleep improvement. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024
  • Pregnancy is one of the most special moments in the lives of many women. Most women generally know what happens during these nine months. The phases of development; the body changes visibly; the growing sense of responsibility. Continue reading →

    Categories: EN Blog, lifestylePublished On: September 9, 2024